Underground Conference gw
   Apply for registration

Rulez! Once again: uc4gw will be, just like all Underground Conferences, an invitation-only-Party. Please see our Invitation-List for details. If you are on this list, you will be granted access to the party after you registered. If you or your group is not on the list, you still may apply for registration. We will check who you are and then decide if you are worth to be granted access. Please understand why we are doing this: This is a non-commercial party with limited space (limited because we want to keep it small and familar). We don't want masses of ordinary people, warez-leechers, quake-kiddies and so on.

If you decide to attend uc4gw, please fill out this form correctly.

As this is an Open-Air-Party, everything is very expensive for us (e.g. power lines, toiletts etc). We really need to know the ammount of ppl that will show up on the party BEFORE it starts.

So please read this:

Only register if you are sure you really want to come. Before registering for other members, ask them if they really want to come, too. If the ammount of ppl that will come with you changes at a later time, please inform us! Same goes if you notice you can't come after you registered. Even if you inform us just a few days before the party opens, it still is great help for us.

If you are not registered, you will not be let onto the partyplace! If you are registered and then don't show up (=don't inform us), you will never ever be invited to an Underground Conference again! We mean it.

Thank you, now go on and register ;)

Persons (please list the handles of all members that will come)

If you are coming by car and have some free space left to take other ppl with you, please enter the number of persons you could take with you here.
Please tell us what Country/Region you are coming from (else the previous line would be pretty senseless ;)
Please insert at least one contact-email here. These adresses will receive only important party-information, not the uc4gw-discussion-mailinglist (please register for that seperately). You can either insert just your own email-adress, or include the email adresses of the other members coming along with you, too. If you enter more than one adress, please put onespace between each of them.
If you are not listed in our invitation list, please explain why we should think about still letting you join the party (e.g. tell us what you do, what groups you are in and so on). Please understand that we have to ask this to keep the party 100% lamer-free.
Please select a password. Choose something that you can remember, you will need it if you want to change anything about your data here and for entering the party.